Budoka Styles


Ken-jetsu: Sharp 
Daisho: Parry 
 Kakuremi: Covert
Tsuchi-do: Blunt 
Mizu-do: Dodge 
 Kaze-do: Throwing 
Taijutsu: Unarmed

You may learn a new style at every title level.
To see what styles the Master has- lsay What Styles?
To learn a style- say teach me (Style Name)

Note: Your say CAN be in color.


Budoka Defensive Skills Dojo- From North Gate of Kai-Thaan, 3 north, 2 northwest, 4 north, 2 northeast, east, northeast, east, northeast, east, in

Skills- Daisho (Parry)
           Mizu-do (Dodging)

Shadow Dojo- From Main Hall in Budoka Guild, down

Skills- Kakuremi (Covert)

Budoka Unarmed Skills Dojo- From the Giant Oak, 2 east, 2 north, 2 northeast, 2 east, northeast, 3 east, northeast, hack weeds, northwest, north, northwest, north, northeast, 7 north, northwest, 3 north, 2 west, 3 north, 3 west, south, east, south, east, south, east, south, west

Skills- Taijutsu (Unarmed)
           Kaze-do (Throwing)

Kenjetsu-Tsuchi-do Dojo- From West Gate of Kai-Thaan, in, 2 east, north, 4 east, 2 south, west, 4 south, 2 west, 2 south, west, north

Skills- Ken-jetsu (Sharp)
           Tsuchi-do (Blunt)

Styles of the Budoka are both powerful and useful to one's path in life.  The styles that you choose are up to you.  The ones you choose are not the right ones or the wrong ones, just the ones you choose.